Sugar tax: What is the UK's most sugary drink?
Unless you've cut yourself off from mainstream society this week, you will have heard that the government are to introduce a sugar tax on fizzy drinks from 2018. This article tells you which drinks will be taxed at a higher rate and how many teaspoons of sweetness they contain. Old Jamaica Ginger Beer are hating on this article big time, ouch. Oh and damn you San Pellegrino Lemon with your 8.9 grams per 100ml, I trusted you. Pffft.
Lidl is selling whole lobsters for just £2.99
Ruuunnnnnnnn! You have only two days left to take advantage of this offer so best be quick smart. Lidl is the first UK supermarket to ethically source lobsters so you're not just getting a good price, but also a mighty fine crustacean as certified by The Daily Telegraph. Fact.
Peanut allergy theory backed up by new research
Way back in the first issue of this newsletter I featured a story on allergies and how doctors thought they may have been mistaken in advising parents to avoid giving their child peanut products. Further research has now been carried out, confirming these reports. Feeding your child peanut butter or snacks within the first 11 months of life could reduce their chances of suffering from an allergy by 80%. Big stats.
NHS England prepares for sugar tax with ban on unhealthy food adverts
Published before the budget announcement this week, this piece focuses on new plans from the NHS, revealing that they are "..beginning to remove adverts, price promotions and checkout displays for unhealthy food in hospitals and other health centres from next month." A long time coming but good news nonetheless.
Easter eggs 2016: the best and worst – taste test
Nevermind those people who say Easter eggs are a waste of money - there's something that tastes so good about that chocolate shell and you know it. Indulge your inner child and go crazy! This review is extensive: you've got everything from the super pricey posh ones to the cheapest little treats. A definitive guide, one could say.
Bang bang chicken salad
Not sure how authentic this Chinese recipe is but it all adds up to be a winner of a dish. You've got crunchy texture from the spring onions, beans and cucumber and softness from the chicken and peanut sauce, followed by a chilli kick. I found the sauce almost too flavoursome, add extra water to tone it down if you find it too much. Fantastic midweek meal that fools you into thinking you've ordered in a takeaway.
Tricolore couscous salad
An excellent lunch, this one. Quick to make and really tasty with the creamy mozzarella, smooth avocado and garlicky pesto. I didn't have enough fresh tomatoes so added some sundried into the mix which is definitely worth doing if you have some spare. Pair this with grilled fish or meat. It's made it in to my recipe binder, a good sign.
Food for Thought
You're probably shopping for vegetables wrong. Here's how to do it better
This is an American guide but if you see past the arugula (that's rocket to you and I) and concentrate on the pictures, you're sure to pick up some helpful tips on picking out the freshest veggies.
The work lunches are over but the recipes will remain with me for sure. I've featured two of the best today; both times I made the dish for dinner the night before, then kept leftovers for my lunchbox. Easy peasy. In other news, it's Easter next weekend which means it's hunting time. Never too old to be ferreting around in the foliage for a chocolate egg.